Phillip Everett Delgado, October 26, 1942 - September 22, 2009
"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it."
~Clarence Budington Kelland
Today the beautiful man I have had the privilege of knowing as FATHER, DAD, DADDY, POP, PA, was welcomed into the loving arms of God, our Father Almighty. He left this earth into the gates of heaven at 7:17pm PST. Our grief is overwhelming at times, and other times we laugh or smile and remember the wonderful, wonderful man who touched the lives of so many.
His failing liver and kidneys finally gave out and his heart pumped its last beats. My mom and I were blessed to be in the hospital room with him when he passed. We were also blessed to have time with him and say the Rosary by his bedside. The nurses at Los Alamitos Urgent Care who took care of him in his final hours, as well as during his many hospital visits, were beyond remarkably caring~~what a blessing! A special outpour of love to Nurse Sharon, who held us tight when the end came.
We appreciate and FEEL all of your love and prayers! Memorials will be planned for California, Utah and Indiana, where some of his ashes will be scattered in the three places he loved so. The majority will remain with my mom in their home. Details will be provided here on this blog when we are able to focus, however we are thinking:
CA MEMORIAL: Saturday, October 3 1pm-1:45pm; Pacific Ocean Memorial where he spent his favorite days with the dogs on the sand. On Naples Peninsula at 72nd street and Ocean; Oceanside (not bayside). Where I used to live, at end of the Peninsula.
Reception immediately following at my home:
UT MEMORIAL: TBD, perhaps early November
INDIANA MEMORIAL & CHURCH SERVICE: Around his birthday, October 26. Details to follow....
Everyone who knew my father is undoubtedly better in some way for knowing his love and caring. A giver amongst givers. An angel amongst angels. I know the life he gave me and my mom is the best gift anyone could be given by God. God sent him to us and has now called him home, where he is no doubt picking out the perfect paint color, Christmas decoration ideas, and ideal landscaping to enhance Heaven. God is smiling, the angels are dancing, and we still feel his love.
Everyone who knew my father is undoubtedly better in some way for knowing his love and caring. A giver amongst givers. An angel amongst angels. I know the life he gave me and my mom is the best gift anyone could be given by God. God sent him to us and has now called him home, where he is no doubt picking out the perfect paint color, Christmas decoration ideas, and ideal landscaping to enhance Heaven. God is smiling, the angels are dancing, and we still feel his love.

Words can not express the heartache that we are feeling today. The world has lost one of its great souls. Uncle Phil was truly a remarkable man. He kindess and his love for his family showed in every step he took. Aunt Phyllis I wish that I could be there for you right not to help you and Kathy through this grieving process. Take comfort in the fact that you both and truly loved and many thoughts and prayers are with your family today. Uncle Phil, you will be truly missed. Love you
Rest in Peace Uncle Phil ~ I love you. Aunt Phelia and Kathy, I am praying that both of you will grieve a little less knowing that your husband/your father is at Peace and in the arms of Our Father. Someone recently told me that death should be a celebration of one's life. I think that sounds like something Uncle Phil would have said.
I look forward to seeing you both in October or whenever you find it best to travel to Indiana.
Love, Donna Lopez (and family)
i agree with everyone he was one wonderful man. who will be dearly missed. he was like a 2nd father to me and a 2nd grandfather to my children. i have so may great memories that i will keep close to my heart. kathy and aunt phyllis my prayer are with you guys.
love u
Kathy and the entire Delgado family: I did not have the privlege of ever meeting Mr. Delgado, but I can see the outpouring of love that the family and friends of Mr. Delgado are expressing. He was obviously a wonderful man and will be missed by many. I lost my father last year so I actually CAN say that I know how you feel, Kathy. Please know that even though we have just reconnected through the computer, I consider you a friend and respectfully say that I am so very sorry for your loss. With Love - Wendi Earley
Aunt Phyllis & Kathy, I know i speak for anyone when I say that Northwest Indiana is mourning today:( He was such an incredible man!! His smile warmed hearts like no other, his generosity will never be forgotten. I ache for you two! I hope knowing we are all sending prayers of strengh your way; and knowing how much we love you both will get you through these touch times. I wish these words took the pain you feeling away. Uncle Phil will be truly missed; and you two are loved very much!!!
Dear Phelia and Kathy, I wish to express my deepest sympathy for the loss of this wonderful man, your beloved husband and father Phil. My prayers that the good Lord will continue his blessings on you both and help to bring comfort to your hearts as you mourn him. I love your sister Inez and the entire Davids family and feel your loss, I'm so sorry. Love, a life long family friend of your niece, Donna Lopez.
{Copied over from Facebook}
Again, please let me express my sincere sorrow at the loss of your father. I really do remember him and he was always very nice to me. I went to your blog site (which your words are very, very touching) and I cannot figure out to enter anything...I am not that computer savvy. Please give my condolences to your mother and let her know that you have lots and lots of people out there that love, care, and pray for you all.
There are no words that I can offer that will comfort you, but, trust in God that His plan and words are sound.
Copied over from Facebook--so beautiful we felt it should be shared here, too:
Mona writes:
Kathy, I found this and thought it was appropriate.......God Bless!!! *Dad* Losing a father is like losing that 1 wing when needing to fly... life seems unbearable without you, but knowing you want me to go on with life gives me the strength to do so.... I miss you so much... i know whatever i do in life you will be there because you are not only my father but you are now my angel too.....
Aunt Phelia...Kathy...My heart and my prayers are with you.
I'm sure there are puppies in Heaven, and I'm sure Uncle Phil is getting plenty of puppy kisses...
Words fail me...
But - I know, when I read all of this, that he will live on in every one of these lives that he has touched...
Kathy & Mrs. D, I am so sorry about your loss, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. The following is what I wrote on my blog today.
Last night I found out that Phil Delgado, called Mr. D by me for as long as I can remember, had passed away. I knew his condition was deteriorating, but once I heard the words my heart was heavy. I have proudly said he was like a father to me for years. He has treated me as family, like a son, for over 30 years. His love of life, his big smile, his hearty laugh, his voice on the phone saying, "Gregg, it's Mr. D" are just some of the irreplaceable things about him I will miss for the rest of my life. All the things I learned from him, either implicitly or explicitly, I will thankfully carry with me the rest of my life. Last year when Mr. D was first told he had a failing liver, his daughter Kathy created a blog to keep everyone updated on his progress recuperating. She asked everyone to write a little something for her father. I wrote how important he was to me & why I loved this man so much. It turns out that everyone had a similar story and the same love for Uncle Phil. He spent an entire lifetime improving the lives of everyone he had met. That my friends, is the textbook definition of a life well spent. I have no doubt that when he passed through the Pearly Gates, God was standing there with his hand extended saying it's my pleasure to finally meet you. If the world was a perfect place, everyone would have an Uncle Phil. So if you could use one spend some time at "They Call Me Uncle Phil".
The world has lost a great man but what he has left with me will last my lifetime. I wait the day when I will see you again uncle Phil.
I wish I could be physically closer to you during this most difficult and heart breaking time. My heart is heavy as I grieve for you and with you. His void here on earth will be felt by every life he touched and I am wishing you strength and inner peace as you try to endure this. I love you and miss you. xoxo
Words fall short of expressing our heartfelt sorrow for the loss of your wonderful father. We know how close you were to him and what an immense impact he had on your life. What a compliment it is for a man to be so loved and respected by his daughter...His legacy lies within you.
Our prayers are with you and your Mom during this difficult time. May your wonderful memories comfort you both.
"The heart remembers most what it has loved best." Anonymous
We love you,
Sandy & Bob
The world is a better place because of Phil Delgado! His warmth and love are unmatched!
Love, Love, Love The Wallaces!
Aunt Phyllis & Kathy~your loss is the worlds loss, but as everyone has said Uncle Phil made the world a better place for all of us, he will be greatly missed. Our hearts are heavy at that time, our Love & Prayers are with you at this time. We Love you both~ Tom & Phyllis
It has been such a wonderful pleasure to have met Phil Delgado. I will always remember his smile, sense of humor and love of his two girls and cats (and then there was Biscuit). He really lived up to his title as "DAD", he had all the patience and dedication in the world for Kathy and Phyllis, he was their rock. Although I have not seen Kathy for a while, it will be strange next time I see her and not hear her say "My Dad did that for me" or "My Dad is going to fix it, God Bless Him". So many times I heard her saying this, but his true little power tools in life were Kathy and Phyllis. So painful that he was taken so soon, we don't always like God's plans for us and sometimes lives are cut short too soon, Phil's life was very well planned and it was a great one!
Love you
PS It's amazing how one little puppy can bring so much love and caring into our lives.
Rest in Peace Uncle Phil. I feel lucky to have spent the last 4 months with Phil, Phyliis and Kathy. They are truly special people. Phil was such a kind man, always with a smile to greet me and a kind word. We shared a few wonderful meals together that I will always remember. As life gets a little challenging, I will always stop to remember Phil Delgado, a unselfish, giving man who touched alot of people. Thank You for sharing a part of you're life with me. God Bless the Delgado family.
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