Thanksgiving was a very blessed day! We all sat at the table as my Mom gave a heartfelt prayer. The holiday was all the more joyful as Uncle Frank was able to join us.

We had a special treat of having at the dinner table: good friends Gregg and Chrissy Ott. The Otts flew out from Chicago to help us get some items chopped off our ever-growing TO DO list, and spend time with us. My dad is especially close with Gregg, thinking of him as more of a family member or son. Gregg always has the best stories and he had us rolling recalling memories of the time my parents joined them on a NYC trip several years ago!
Dad enjoyed many, many phone calls from family and friends over the weekend and it was a truly blessed Thanksgiving Season. In our blessings, we thanked God for ALL OF YOU in our lives....so freely sharing your generous spirits and prayers which no doubt contributed to us enjoying dad at the dinner table this holiday instead of us eating turkey in a hospital room. Thank you for this gift.
Uncle Vince called as we were sitting down and explained that while they wanted to, he had a prior engagement with a "friend" that kept them from joining us......

We especially missed Aunt Bex's helping hands with the dishes afterwards, but she was apparently busy getting her hair done.

We sat down with dad at the computer and read through all the beautiful, funny and poignant comments everyone has left on this blog. There are no words to properly express how fantastic, loved, appreciated, and humbled it made him feel!!!! It was a truly special moment. { A bounded book is being created as a keepsake.}
While dad has been going in and out of painful moments, he's been feeling relatively good and even had some energy to pull some Christmas ornaments down and later helped me put lights on a small tree I'll be using on my front porch (compliments of the Delgado shed, which means it had my favorite price tag on it: FREE).
We trust everyone had a joyful Thanksgiving weekend. Your are all part of our blessings for which we are continually thankful.